Legislation in the world to stop the disease
Governments around the world are very concerned about needle stick injuries, a major hazard for healthcare workers and a tremendous financial burden on the health care system.
The current regulation
The U.S. were the first country to adopt and actively enforce legislation requiring healthcare facilities to use safety syringes, with the Federal Needle-stick Prevention Act, approved by the Congress and signed by President Clinton on November the 6th 2000. The date of promulgation is 2001, April 18.
In 2010 the EU adopted Directive n. 2010/32/UE to prevent sharp-related injuries (needle stick injuries included) requiring public and private health care facilities to evaluate and provide safety devices for their workers, and to use safety needles and other devices designed to prevent needle-stick injuries.
Italy has transposed EU Directive by Decree n.19 - 19.02.2014 - which modifies Decree n.81 – 2008 on the protection of health and safety in the workplace.
Millions of people could be protected from infections acquired through unsafe injections if all healthcare programmes switched to syringes that cannot be used more than once.
World Health Organization - 2015